Favorite refuge of stars along the scenic Rivera coastline, a house in Cannes is a safe value offering a prestigious address to its owners.

No, everything has not yet been said about this wonderful real estate destination anchored on the French Riviera! Copied but never equaled, its reputation has made it the symbol of glamor on the Côte d'Azur. From its bay, on which the most beautiful yachts in the world sail during the week of the International Film Festival, in May each year, to the sinuous alleys of its old historical center, beautiful properties are scattered on its shore. Of course, other towns in the Alpes-Maritimes department are also full of prestigious, sumptuous and desirable estates, but it is here that personalities from all walks of life dream of owning a deluxe villa for sale in Cannes.
The high-end real estate of « La Californie »
To the east of the city, a select district wins all the votes! These are the heights of "La Californie", sometimes nicknamed "the hill of billionaires". Here is the undisputed champion of the “Villes et Villages Fleuris” flower label with 4 stars. Quiet, secure and away from the tourist frenzy, this private condominium, listed in the General Inventory of Cultural Heritage, overlooks the entire Cannes bay, between Pointe Croisette and Le Cannet. The elegance of its buildings and the preservation of its lush gardens attract very large French and international fortunes, looking for an exclusive second home in the sun. There are numerous exceptional places, in the neoclassical or contemporary style, and it is undoubtedly one of the best locations to buy a deluxe house in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
Une villa historique de style Belle Époque
Et pourquoi ne pas entrer dans la légende en vous offrant celle-ci ? Considérée comme l'une des plus belles villas de luxe à vendre en France, Roche Cline, ancienne propriété d’Estée Lauder, est placée sous le signe de l’excellence et du charme authentique. Elle est proche de la Croisette et le raffinement extrême de cette demeure historique, où elle créa ses parfums mythiques, vous plongera vite dans l’univers de la Belle Époque.

Un univers de rêve au raffinement discret
Dans un écrin de verdure bucolique, version carte postale, ce petit palais discret se déploie sur 4 étages. Sa surface habitable compte 450 m², avec 10 pièces, 1 vaste séjour, 1 salle à manger, 1 cuisine équipée haut de gamme, 6 chambres, 6 salles de bains en marbre, une terrasse avec vue mer et une piscine couleur lagon, prolongée d'une pergola fleurie. Une fois installé, vous y profiterez de son esprit hollywoodien…
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