Russian soccer stadiums for the World Cup 2018, the promised land of architects
To welcome spectators during the 2018 Soccer World Cup, Russia commissioned leading architects to build 12 brand new high-tech stadiums.
10 billion dollars ! This is the sum Russia invested to build the stadiums and infrastructures to meet the needs of the 2018 Soccer World Cup. A considerable, yet indispensable expense, in keeping with the requests of the FIFA, the international organization that sets the rules for this spotlight event taking place from the 14th of June to the 15th of July 2018.
Futuristic stadiums of the Soccer World Cup
And to ensure the success of this world sports event, taking place for the first time in Eastern Europe, 12 brand new sports venues will be put to contribution. The cities of Saint-Pétersbourg, Moscou, Kaliningrad, Iekaterinbourg, Kazan, Mordovia, Ninji Novgorod, Samara, Rostov-sur-le-Don, Saransk, Volvograd and Sotchi will be equipped with futuristic stadiums enhanced with ultramodern equipments.
Futuristic monuments dedicated to sport
With a capacity between 35 000 to 80 000 places, this cement monster, in glass and steel is a real technological feat. Reversible air-conditioning, retractable roofs, organic grass, skating rink, modulable and convertible grounds, all the state-of-the-art amenities will enable the selected teams to play in excellent conditions and spectators will live the emotion of matches with all the modern comforts possible.
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