Opting for a new approach to the bathroom, Luca Lanzetta has turned a room meant for functional relaxation into a place dedicated to design aficionados.

In this time of lockdown, and even in normal times, the home is a favourite playground of designers. While the bathroom has long been a neglected room in the decorating industry, it has now been transformed into a special living area dedicated to moments of glamour—a place where each and every one of us can feel a little more ourselves. The bathroom is also slowly shifting away from its purely functional role to become a showcase for wellness and lifestyle-centred design within the home.
The sink: the bathroom’s star feature
In this intimate and comfortable room, the sink is really the feature that sets the tone. Featuring a pared-down, minimalistic style, the sinks designed by the Italian-American group led by Luca Lanzetta withstand the test of time. These stunning and inspiring sinks, which would look at home on any exhibition floor, help their users attain a refined lifestyle. Close attention has been paid to every last detail on these haute-couture pedestals.

Innovative and sustainable materials
Opt for an integrated model, place it on a column, or suspend it from the wall. Choose from a matte or glossy finish made from ceramic, stone, or marble. Whatever style you choose, the end result will create an ambiance that speaks to your personality through their expressive shapes and sizes. With these sumptuous sinks, whose flowing lines check all the boxes of modern design, you’ll never look at your bathroom the same way ever again.

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