Once designed solely to save space in both offices and homes, artistic sliding doors are now a decorative statement in and of themselves.

Sliding doors, once simple and often clunky wooden panels set on rails, have now earned a new lease on life and are popping up in unexpected places thanks to the increasingly high-end materials used in their construction. Whether designed to slide open to one side or split in the middle, sliding doors are an instant space saver when transitioning from one room to another at home or in the office, all while providing much-needed privacy and discretion.
An endlessly customisable artistic canvas
Sliding doors come in all shapes and sizes and add character to living spaces by expressing a specific aesthetic vision and even personality. They offer artists and designers a fantastic opportunity to show off their talent. The perfect addition to kid’s rooms, master bedrooms, dining rooms, and living rooms, sliding doors are also being added to coworking spaces.

Turning interior remodelling into a lifestyle
Sliding doors improve a room’s acoustics and come in a wide range of styles, transforming a living area into a one-of-a-kind space. Made from glass, wood, plexiglass, stone, marble, or stretched canvas, these doors feature an endless variety of patterns, graphics, and messages. Available with or without a built-in handle, sliding doors offer an alternative to hinged styles, which are often cumbersome. Paint the surface whatever colour you fancy and transform an otherwise bland interior into an ultra-trendy home sweet home.

A new way to express your own personal style at home
www.scrigno.it - sesame-ouvre-toi.fr - www.optimum.tm.fr - www.ad-lyon.fr
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