At the « 16 », with Sophie Wilmès, the dynamic prime minister of Belgium

Belles Demeures
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Named prime minister of Belgium by King Philippe, Sophie Wilmès takes the helm of the « 16 », headquarters of the government.

Au « 16 », avec Sophie Wilmès, première ministre de Belgique
Barely 40 years old, Sophie Wilmès heads the federal government of Belgium since the 27th of October 2019. © DR

It's at 16, Rue de la Loi, in Brussels, that she now sets her appointments. She, the former Ministre of the Budget and Public Function. The little girl from Ixelles, with a bachelor's degree in applied communication, first began working for the European Commission before joining a business lawyer's firm, then becoming passionate about politics.

A women as prime minister, in Belgium

Very attached to Belgian unity, this francophone is a hard worker, yet very family-oriented, with a determined willingness to ensure the benefits of the community. A mother of four children, she tries to find the perfect balance between her professional and private life, multiplying initiatives, without believing in miracles solutions, nor ignoring the obstacles placed along her way.

Sophie Wilmès at the 100 years of the Belgian Senate It's as prime minister that Wilmès presided the centennial of the Belgian Senate. © DR
Sophie Wilmès at the NATO reunion The last reunion of NATO, in London, was the first international appearance of Sophie Wilmès. © DR

Head of gouvernment and mother

Since her nomination, the first woman in Belgian history to have this position figures in the Forbes list of the 100 most powerful women in the world. Francophone, but married to an Australian, Sophie Wilmès resides in Rhode-Saint-Genèse, a commune of Brabant Flamand which cherishes the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country. With her, Belgium could very well have a bright future ahead…

Sophie Wilmès at the Women Ambassadors Network The Women Ambassadors Network reception was the occation for an exchange with leading women of international diplomacy. © DR

A strong will behind a winning smile…

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