Antwerp: the Diva diamond museum shines brilliantly

Belles Demeures
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In Belgium, midtown Antwerp shelters Diva, the diamond museum where its collections of precious stones scintillate.

Anvers : le musée du diamant Diva brille de tous ses feux
Under the glass domes of the museum's dining room table settings, fortunes are on display, but not to be touched… © DR

What other city than Antwerp could welcome a museum dedicated to diamonds? In the historical center of the Flemish harbor town, along the Escaut, Diva is an interactive centre, entirely dedicated to the captivating universe of precious stones, jewellery and silver. It opened its doors to plunge its visitors in an enchanting environment, gathering the most deluxe objects.

Diva, la star d'Anvers

Its most precious treasures are presented in 6 main themes: a room of marvels ornamented by designer Gert Voorjans, know-how, commerce, consumption, a safe and a boudoir. The aesthetical presentaion of art objects by the hundreds, sound-filled landscapes, multimedia and interactive elements convey to each one a very particular ambiance.

Antwepr Diva Museum brooch Created in another era, this brooch in the shape of a peacock has not taken on a single wrinkle, but lots of value. © DR
Antwerp Diva Museum Cinderella bracelet A cute wink to Haute Couture, the Cinderella bracelet is spiked with shiny pins. © DR

Making the eyes of visitors shine

In an area that welcomes silversmith artisans, jewellers and diamond dealers since the 16th century, you will be hosted as a very special guest to admire the collections. Partake in the fascinating story of the city as turntable for diamonds, stunning presentations and an amazing scenography. A show that might just give you a few ideas to put a finishing touch on your Christmas shopping…

Antwerp Diva Museum large room In this room where diamonds and silversmith cretations are side by side, discover the importance of Antwerp in the universe of diamonds. © DR

Antwerp, a diamond's best friend since 500 years

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