For its « 3020 » exhibition, at the Galerie Perrotin, New York artist Daniel Arsham presents a solo show under the sign of the divine.
Revisiting the leading artistic masterpieces in the Antique world, entails neither copying them, nor imitating them. Such is the philosophy of artist Daniel Arsham whose new series of sculptures leaves us speechless. There is no excuse not to go, starting now and until the 21st of March 2020, to discover his remasterized versions of sculptures that he has transformed into a contemporary arty miracle.
Creating the show at Galerie Perrotin
His ongoing collaboration with the moulding workshop of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux, at the Grand Palais, was revealing. It gave him the inestimable advantage of a privileged access to the mouldings of the great masters on exhibit in the major museums of Europe. Since, behind the scenes at the Louvre, the Acropolis of Athens and the basilica San Pietro in Vincoli, in Rome, no longer hold any secrets for him.
A mineralized statuary
Begin the visit in front of two symbolic statues: the goddess Aphroditis and Lucille, better known under the names Venus of Arles and Head of Lucille. Then, move on towards the mineralized busts of the seated Moses of Michelangelo and the Venus of Milo, face to face. These emblematic figures are surrounded by the ones of Caracalla in armor and the Helmeted Athena. Don't miss appreciating the drawings which illustrate his work process—you will be totally under the charm…
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