Face to face Picasso / Botero in Aix-en-Provence, until 11 March 2018

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In Aix-en-Provence, the art center of the Hotel de Caumont historical mansion places face to face the works of Picasso and Botero in an imaginary arty dialogue.

Face-à-face Picasso / Botero à Aix-en-Provence, jusqu'au 11 mars 2018
The facade, with the architectural classicism of a private Parisian mansion, is gilded by soft Provencal lights. © DR

A few steps from the cours Mirabeau, one of the most handsome 18th century mansions in Aix-en-Provence has been transformed into an art center after a successful renovation. This major landmark of local cultural activity welcomes the exhibition of two giants in the realm of contemporary painting, showcased in superb reception rooms, where the rich production of the Columbian master is presented next to 20 paintings by the famous artist from Andalusia.

Aix-en-Provence opens up a dialogue between Botero and Picasso

And while the two artists never actually met, this imaginary dialogue puts the spotlight on their respective works, their personal stories and their trajectories under an unusual angle. The affinity between Fernando Botero, who presents oils on canvas, drawings and sculptures, becomes quite obvious next to portraits and autoportraits by Pablo Picasso on loan from museums in Paris and Barcelona.

Botero autoportrait and portrait de Picasso As a wink to his peer, Botero painted his autoportrait while working in his studio and Pablo Picasso surrounded by his canvases. © Christian Moutarde
Picasso portraitof a woman Botero and Piero della Francesca The difference of styles is surrealistic betwen Portrait de Femme by Picasso and Piero della Francesca by the Columbian painter. © MPB/GF et FB
Picasso Musicien et Botero Musiciens Each artist has sketched his idealized vision of musicians. © RMN-Grand Palais (MNPParis)/Jean-Gilles Berizzi et FB

Major works with common cultural references 

Amongst the spotlight pieces of the artist known for his characters with voluptuous shapes, let us cite the Dyptique, the gigantic Pear, Pierrot, his imposing Horse or Fornarina. As for the figurehead of the cubist movement, his works on display include the Acrobat, the Musician, the Village Dance and the Flute of Pan, all showcased in an institution dedicated to leading names in art history.

Picasso la Danse Villageoise et Botero Danseurs For Picasso, the Village Dance features a couple while for Botero, the Dancers are festive. © RMN-Grand Palais (MNPP)/MR et FB
Botero El Presidente and El Mujer del Presidente In homage to his native country, Fernando Botero signs his two canvases, El Presidente and El Mujer del Presidente. © FB

A large format encounter of 2 monuments in the universe of painting

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