Fornasetti, the Italian decorative effect on printed ceramic household objects

Belles Demeures
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While their plates are showcased at the Altemps Palazzo Museum in Rome, the original Fornasetti label multiplies prints on a wide array of ceramics for the house.

Fornasetti, l'effet décoratif italien sur céramique imprimée
Flo­wer Po­wer is the main theme of the Spring-Summer 2018 Fornasetti collections. © DR

If you have never programmed a weekend in the Eternal City, now is the time to discover the exhibition « Ci­ta­zio­ni Pra­tiche », showcasing the talent of Pie­ro For­na­set­ti, until the 6th of May 2018, and treat yourself to ceramic objects from his new collections. The decorator, who created a series of plates, inspiring himself from the lovely face of so­pra­no Li­na Ca­va­lie­ri, has now designed it in many shapes.

Printed ceramics, Made in Italy

The art of trompe-l'œil is the signature trait of this atypical artist, who pinpointed his genius idea while leafing through a French decoration magazine. Since, he affirmed his style by instilling a good dose of humour into a line of daily objects. These are manufactured with the greatest care, in delicate materials and with motifs that make reference to Surrealism.

Fornasetti table and stool The graphism of his small tables has such personality that these will not go unnoticed in your living room. © DR
Fornasetti candle and crayon holder Amongst these house crayon holders, you will surely find the ideal present. © DR

Redecorating the house with a light touch

Glasses, candles, trays, tables, stools, crayon holders, mugs, busts, book-ends, bedside-table lamps, carpets, chairs, chests, closets, screens, perfumes, the Italian decorator features his muse on creations for the house that are both useful and decorative. An immediate must-have luxury !

Fornasetti plates set The thousand and one faces of Piero Fornasetti's muse are featured on his unique plates © DR
Fornasetti plates and perfume Immortalized on a wide array of objects, the Belle Epoque diva is also represented on a perfume and house fragrances. © DR

The singular touch of Italian ceramics

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