On the île Seguin, Bob Dylan inaugurates Seine Musicale

Belles Demeures
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With the Seine Musicale, the Western area of Paris showcases a venue dedicated to the whole musical spectrum and featured Bob Dylan for its inauguration.

Sur l'île Seguin, Bob Dylan inaugure la Seine Musicale
Conceived like a vessel immerged in the middle of the île Seguin, Seine Musicale is dedicated to all musical forms. © DR

In the Hauts-de-Seine department, the Valley of Culture is born ! Two and a half years of construction and 170 M€ later, a new vast complex of leisure has been created, at the tip of the l'île Seguin, in Boulogne-Billancourt. And this huge vessel of glass and concrete is gearing up to program the artists that will appeal to a wide array of music lovers.

The Seine Musicale, a new perfomance space on île Seguin

Designed by architects Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines, this amazing modulable perfomance space can welcome from 4 000 to 6 000 visitors, while its auditorium has 1 150 seats. Right from its opening, this venue will compete with the perfomance equipments of European capitals such as London with its Southbank Centre, Hambourg with the famed Elbphilharmonie, and Rome with its Auditorium Parco della Musica.

La Seine Musicale coupole Under the futuristic cuppola open onto the sky, stars are very keen about booking their upcoming tours. © DR
La Seine Musicale auditorium Spanking new, the modulable auditorium benefits from high quality accoustics. © DR

A cultural complex in close harmony with artists

The Seine Musicale, that will host restaurants, boutiques and a promenade along the waterfront, has already attracted a chosen public for its opening. On a special visit from the United States, it is indeed the new Nobel Prize of Literature who gave the first inaugural concert. The auditorium was entirely filled to come applaud the singing tour of Bob Dylan, the cult hero of Flower Power…

La Seine Musicale concert Bob Dylan For his surprise concert, Bob Dylan essentially performed titles from his new album. © DR

The Seine Musicale, a new artistic pole of the Ile-de-France

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