Jean-Michel Folon, an artist and a foundation, at the château de La Hulpe

Belles Demeures
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In the renovated farm of Château de La Hulpe, at the heart of Wallonia, the Folon Foundation pays homage to the artist that gave it its name.


Jean-Michel Folon, un artiste et une fondation, au château de La Hulpe, en Wallonie
Immediately recognizable, the Folon style enables the imagination to escape into his poetic universe. © DR

In the lush greenery of the Parc de Solvay in Wallonia, where Jean-Michel Folon enjoyed strolling to admire flowers, its foundation is at the image of its creator, peaceful and amazing. A venue that is an open invitation to discover watercolors, canvases, drawings, engravings and sculptures that illustrated the works, posters and television theme presentations of this Belgian artist.

The homage of Wallonia to Folon

More than an exhibition, the discovery of the farm comprising several buildings, distributed around a paved courtyard, showcases his dreams. It offers a complete panorama of the patrimony represented by 500 art works displayed all-year round. Also featured here, creations imagined for Guillaume Apollinaire, Jacques Prévert, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus and Jean Giono.

Fondation Folon l'homme en bleu Presented infinitely, the Man in Blue delighted illustrators during the 70s. © DR
Fondation Folon the umbrella man At the heart of a fountain, the Man with the Rain Umbrella is a cute wink to the Belgian humor of the artist. © DR

A poetic paradise 20 minutes outside of Brussels

An interactive scenography, imagined by Folon himself, invites each visitor to a poetic journey in the universe of his creations. Optical effects, miror games, original music by composer Michel Colombier, who for a long time rocked the nights of Antenne 2, documentaries and animated films enhance the presentations. Like a myriad dazzling stars only 20 minutes from Brussels !

Fondation Folon paved courtyard In the paved courtyard of the Hulpe farm, endless playful presentations take place around the works of Jean-Michel Folon. © DR

A Voyage to the country of dreams and the imaginary

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