Marianne Guillerand, the art of imaginative paper collage
The paper collage artwork of Marianne Guillerand is in the spotlight with her Parisian exhibition, "The ImaginaryArch".
Comedian for the cinema, novelist, composer of several songs, entrepreneur, Marianne Guillerand has experimented several fascinating trades in her previous lives before discovering her new heartfelt vocation, the art of collage. Having become a plastician, the main thread of her creations is to bring back to life objects intended for scrap.
The art of collage, the passion of Marianne Guillerand
The works of her bestiary are witnesses of an era and a fabulous story, filled with symbols. Over time, she has appropriated a technique that consists in wrapping with magazine clippings and gold leaf edges. With her, on the back of each animal, it's a little bit of ourselves that is taking a stroll, and this poetic universe seems to reconcile itself with man.
A style mixing dream and poetry
Her style seduced the Sophie Lacasse gallery in Paris. Here, our sweet dreamer recycles, in her own way, findings picked up here and there, for her personal exhibition "The Imaginary Arch", where she revives their natural beauties. Silversmith pieces that required talent, patience and meticulousness…
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