Marko Zallik : the star of Lunéville’s International Autumn Fair
Marko Zallik and his mechanically minded art will be the star of Lunéville’s International Autumn Fair from 6 to 29 October 2018.

A regular host of today’s most iconic artists, the International Autumn Fair is held in central Lorraine in Lunéville, a city that includes key religious sites, WWI landmarks, museums, castles, parks, and gardens. This year, one of the event’s main attractions is the artist Marko Zallik.
Lunéville invites Marko Zallik
After a career in the aeronautical industry, this one-of-a-kind Israeli discovered a new passion—transforming everyday objects into works of art using a process of customisation. Zallik has always been interested in protecting the environment ; he recycles all of his materials as part of an « Eco-Art » approach that focuses on ensuring a high quality of life.

Showcasing steampunk style
During the fair’s 37th edition, Zallik will be presenting his series « Metamorphosis ». These works are directly related to the artistic trend known as « Steampunk », which originated in England in the 60s and 70s. Steampunk depicts a world based on the mechanical technology and steam engines of the Victorian era that are adapted to the modern day. Through this series, Zallik turns the reclamation of a trend into true artform.

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