In Ostende, the former post office is converted into a temple of culture

Belles Demeures
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On the coast of Western Flanders, the former post office of Ostende in Belgium has been converted into a temple of contemporary culture.

A Ostende, l'ancien bureau de poste se reconvertit en temple de la culture
The glass and concrete gangway also links all the architectural eras. © DR

Celebrated by film directors and popular song, "the queen of beaches" is undergoing a major renovation. This seashore resort on the North Sea, that has preserved its churches, its museums, its Royal Galleries and its Belle Epoque villas, which delight tourists, is restoring its buildings with an industrial allure, such as the post office, to turn it into a dynamic cultural hot spot.

The former Ostende post office, a new cultural destination

To be honest, "De Grote Post", a post-modernist construction abandoned after the war, was going by the wayside due to lack of upkeep. Today, an architects' contest has enabled to give a new affectation to this listed site, while respecting the original facade and structure of Gaston Eysselinck—aiming to draw a passionate audience and artists.

De Grote Post fresco room In the public areas, the original frescoes have been safeguarded. © DR
De Grote Post concert Dance, theater, classic concerts, pop, rock or rap, every kind of music is welcome in the new auditorium. © DR

An offer of multiple entertainment

Amphitheater, concert hall, exhibition galleries, workshops, performances, boutique, office, panoramic restaurant, the youngest cultural center of the Flanders province invites all the generations to discover its programmations, spanning 15000 m²—especially since Ostende features a casino, a wide array of deluxe hotels, with Spa and view on the sea—all deserving your visit.

De Grote Post restaurant And to crown your visit by a gourmet venue, a restaurant worthy of its name serves local specialties. © DR

Culture for all, the arty  booster of Ostende

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