The timeless and universal muses of François Loup

Belles Demeures
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For François Loup, muses are a source of universal and timeless inspiration showcased in his Parisian exhibition.

Les muses intemporelles et universelles de François Loup
Created from a living model, this vaporous face is the summit of a work exhibited at the « 15 Curiosity + Experiences » gallery. © DR

Since forever, the feminine body, its graceful curbs, the outline of its face and its beauty inspired artists. From Leonardo da Vinci to Picasso, and from the Mona Lisa to the Venus of Milo, women have taken the pose as models. Thus, these muses incarnate the ideal of a perfection to be reached by painters and sculptors who each interpret it in their own manner.

Muses frolic happily thanks to François Loup's paintbrushes

It's the purpose of Poussières d'Etoiles, the new Stardust series of François Loup. Featuring drawings and paintings created by using ink and acrylic, with a base of smoke, ashes, water and natural pigments, it reveals the work of someone who grew up in an arty family. Through his vision, he develops his taste and his outlook for figurative or abstract nudes, in an explosion of generous colors.

François Loup busts around the pool Around your pool or in a showroom, these busts and mouldings are sure to create the buzz. © DR
François Loup My Choice On this watercolor, feminine shapes are to be interpreted rather than perceived outright. © DR

A new gallery concept

Already exhibited in France, in Finland, in the United States and in Russia, he inaugurates an unusual way to display his works, in Paris. His busts and paintings are presented to visitors at « 15 Curiosity + Experiences », a concept that mingles creative spaces, exhibitions and performances in an upper level immersive gallery. A place to discover in order to treat yourself to one of his timeless muses…

François Loup in situation Just like artists who never totally finish their work of art, François Loup retouches one of his paintings, during the vernissage. © DR

Contemporary painters and their muses…

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