Villermosa Porcelains, revisited table settings

Belles Demeures
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Surfing on the new Art Deco wave, the Villermosa porcelains of Limoges revisit table settings on a daily basis.

Porcelaines Villermosa, les arts de la table revisités
Presented along the seashore of Saint-Malo, the collections of Ecume and Houle plates are already creating waves… © DR

Newcomer in the universe of deluxe table settings, this brand, made in Brittany, has placed porcelains of Limoges at the heart of its craftsmanship activity. Villermosa, is first of all a family story that includes Clémence,and her aunt Michèle Létang. The former spent several years working as manager in the hotel world, then teamed up with the latter in order to merge a common passion.

Villermosa revisits the porcelain of Limoges

Here artistic creation is associated with ancestral craftsmanship know-how. In the house workshops, the first collections of graphic plates with Art Deco motifs are true works of art. Thus they naturally find their place on a daily basis and will will soon be enhanced by the arrival of new talents who will be designing oustanding tableware lines and house linens.

Villermosa Fleur d'Or plate The decor representing a golden flower is a symbol of longevity in China. © DR
Villermosa Epicéa and Séquoia plates Inspired by forests of spruces and sequoias, these enameled plates are ornamented with 18-carat gold. © DR

A talent coveted by star chefs

Each product is thought out, sketched and created in France in keeping with the founding values of Villermosa. Beauty has an open invitation at each moment of the day, from breakfast to lunch. And star chefs are alerady eager to order exclusive lines dedicated to the elegant tables of their restaurants…

Villermosa Dahlia collection For the balmy season and chic picnics, the Dahlia is a must. © DR

Chic, timeless softness is invited to the table !

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