Hermès: a new botanical tableware collection

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In an ode to luxurious vegetation, Hermès has drawn inspiration from the botanical world to create Passifolia, its latest tableware range.

Hermès, un service de table inspiré par la botanique
The Passifolia collection pays tribute to nature with its avalanche of colours. © Audrey Corregan

This summer, passers-by will be able to admire a new tableware collection celebrating nature’s richness and savage beauty in the display windows of the saddler’s Parisian boutique on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. The collection features designs by the artist Nathalie Rolland-Huckel, who is well known for her expertise in porcelain. She has truly outdone herself in her quest to explore the delightful excesses of flowers, plants, and leaves.

Subtleties of natural beauties

Designed like an encyclopaedia of exotic plant species, each piece is a unique work of art. Produced through an innovative artisanal approach, the hand-painted designs add a realistic tropical touch. These complex and varied patterns depict the rhythms and illustrations of extremely dense vegetation. In some cases, the art covers the porcelain like camouflage but is more discreet and minimalistic in others.

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When you pick this bowl up with two hands, you’ll become one with nature. © Audrey Corregan
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On this platter, the leaf that extends from one end to the other looks like it is three dimensional. © Audrey Corregan

A luxuriant Eden

Featuring plates, cups, a teapot, teacups, a sugar bowl and creamer, a salad bowl, bowls, and platters, this tableware collection pays careful attention to every last detail. When you look at it, you can almost hear the sound of raindrops on the palm tree leaves and the wind rustle through the fringe of flower petals. This breath of fresh, creative air has resulted in incredible depictions of chlorophyll, mint green, sage, celadon, fuchsia, coral, and grenadine that glow atop the sparkling white porcelain of this quintessentially summer tableware set.

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As befits anything with the Hermès label, a gold border sets off each piece in the new range! © Audrey Corregan

A collection of floral tableaus on the table


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