An Impressionist Vision at the château of Auvers-sur-Oise

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For its highly awaited reopening, on Sunday the 1st of October, the château of Auvers-sur-Oise unveils a very innovative scenography retracing the amazing adventure of Impressionism.

Vision Impressionniste au château d'Auvers-sur-Oise
Only 30 minutes from Paris, this 17th century Italian style pavilion is a great example of the transformation undergone by the architectural patrimony. © DR

The temple of Impressionism is back in the spotlight ! Manet, Pissarro, Renoir, Monet, Morisot, Sisley, Cézanne, Caillebotte, Degas, Jongkind, Van Gogh, Turner, Daubigny, Seurat, Signac, Derain, Vlaminck, Gauguin, there is a long list of outstanding painters showcased in the reception rooms of the Auvers-sur-Oise château. And the metamorphosis takes place with the help of new technologies.

Auvers-sur-Oise, a new look at Impressionism

Featuring an entirely updated state-of-the-art scenography, the new cultural venue retraces the adventure of this pictural movement, from its birth to its heirs. Mapping, wide screens, projections on the walls and on a large hanging cube, Vision Impressionniste offers, on a surface of more than 600 m², an immersive visit in the universe of 19th century artists, displaying a great number of masterpieces.

Auvers-sur-Oise castle - Monet In the rooms of the château, the high-tech scenography casts the light on the inspiration of Impressionism for other artistic movements. © DR
Anvers-sur-Oise castle The former landscapes of the Val-d'Oise region were a great source of inspiration for this painting school born in the 19th century. © DR

Digitalisation of exhibitions and landscaping of the gardens

Alternating between virtual and real, the visit features many exhibition rooms encompassing the Val d’Oise collection, that includes several remarkable canvases. After the initial stunning moment of discovery, poetry takes over while strolling in the five hectare park of the château, with its French style gardens and terraces. And the artistic adventure continues in the village of Auvers-sur-Oise, starting point of the Impressionist road…

Château d'Anvers-sur-Oise Van Gogh Between Auvers-sur-Oise and Van Gogh, the love story continues as beautiful as ever ! © DR

Impressionist immersion in Auvers-sur-Oise.

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