Hermès à tire-d'aile, a must-go exhibition in Paris at the Grand Palais

Belles Demeures
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Until the 3rd of December 2017, the Grand Palais will be featuring a very special exhibition : Hermès à tire-d'aile - The worlds of Leïla Menchari, in homage to the window-displays that she decorated for the mythical Parisian saddler.

Exposition Hermès à tire-d'aile, au Grand Palais, à Paris
Minutely elaborated, the window-displays of Leïla Menchari feature themes that showcase the new Hermès collections. © DR

Well-known by all the elegant shoppers, the 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré is the address favored by Hermès clients. They never miss an occasion to go there to buy the famous silk scarves, discover new collections, but also to admire the decoration of their window-displays that are always a big event. So much so, that 8 of them, created by the talented stylist Leïla Menchari, are the object of an official exhibition.

Hermès invites itself to the Grand Palais

Recomposed in the handsome exhibition rooms of the Grand Palais, these playlets displays testify to the strong determination of the Tunisian creator to showcase presentations that are both poetic and flamboyant, from 1978 to 2013. Each time, specialized artisans and artists from around the world were put to contribution and given free rein to make us dream.

Hermès exhibition - window display Amidst the stunning decors of Leïla Menchari, fashion becomes accessory… © DR
Hermès  exhibition - oriental window displays The stylist made several journeys to India, a country that strongly inspired her work. © DR

A flamboyant scenic journey

Her theatrical career path is a scintillating journey that will take you from the African bush to the fragrant palaces of the Orient, including the equine universe, Greek mythology and the pharaohs of Egypt. Along the way, she recalls her inspiration that includes the use of precious materials, featuring leather, silk and marble, sprinkled with the latest Hermès novelties. Pure luxury…

Hermès exhibition - safari window display Kelly bag in crocodile, cheetah saddle, Hermès interprets the safari. © DR
Hermès exhibition - Egypte window display A favorite land for explorers, Egypt enabled Hermès to present one of its most prestigious playlet diplays in Paris. © DR

The universe of Hermès on display at the Grand Palais.

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