Bamo, design expertise directly from San Francisco

Belles Demeures
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In San Francisco, Bamo has imposed itself as the design expert in areas such as the hotel and restaurant business, as well as deluxe residences.

Bamo, l'expertise design en direct de San Francisco
A comfortable setting looking out on the skyline of Chicago is priceless. © DR

In California, the luxury oriented agencies of Interior Design share a blooming market, each with a sector of activity, a style, a signature, an indispensable versatility, sustained by many talented teams recognized everywhere. And at Bamo, the leading names are Michael Booth, Gerry Jue, Pamela Babey, Steve Henry, Dorothy Greene, Anne Wilkinson and Billy Quimby.

The design expertise of Bamo

Backed by 40 collaborators, the partners bring a unique point of view and an expertise closely linked to experience, with the specificity of drawing everything made-to-measure, furniture included, while always integrating an artistic component in their projects. From the Ritz-Carlton in Chicago to the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, including the Sun City of Tachikawa, in Japan, harmony is the name of the game.

Bamo dining room Shimmering colors, revisiting great classics, the dining room knows how to be welcoming. © DR
Bamo hotel living room In the public space of this urban hotel, the furniture faces an ultra comtemporary fireplace to be looked at like a painting. © DR

The signature of intimate luxury

The same concept is used for the universe of residences for seniors around San Francisco. The firm has mastered all the functionalities of their conception. Furnishings, textiles, carpets, lighting, the willingness for extreme personalisation is a sure warranty that a room will be perfectly integrated to the space, but also to satisfy the ultimate desires of clients. A signature which you will recognize in the leading palaces of the world…

bamo bedroom Symmetrical lines, soft materials, subtle lighting, the bedroom cultivates a rather vintage spirit. © DR

Design experience inspired by modern classicism

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