Licht Kunst Licht, conceiver of modern lighting solutions

Belles Demeures
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Dedicated to professional lighting solutions, the Licht Kunst Licht company in Berlin conceives light as an integral part of architecture.

Licht Kunst Licht, concepteur de solutions d'éclairage
In contrast with the traditional structure of the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, the garden has taken on futuristic shapes. © DR

For Licht Kunst Licht (Light Art Light), light is a material in its own right, embedded in architectural writing. Founded by electrician engineer Andreas Schulz, the company wins most of the tenders awarded by German governmental institutions, but also works on enhancing its museums, its universities and hotels around the world.

Light according to Licht Kunst Licht

Elected « light conceiver of the year » by the German Lighting Design Awards, it has imposed itself in the professional world as a significant model in terms of quality and originality for durable or ephemeral lighting solutions. No matter the size of a construction project, public or private, their conceptions become an essential module of quality in terms of the built environment.

Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Building in Berlin New governmental landmark in Berlin, the Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Building is illuminated without any visible lighting fixtures. © DR
Hôtel Marriott in Berlin - well of light The technical elements of this well of light inside the Marriott Hotel are invisible, but omnipresent. © DR

Focus on a Dream Team

The Shin-Marunouchi Building in Tokyo, the One Shenzhen Bay, in Shenzhen, the Parliament of Vaduz, in Lichtenstein, the Novatris Campus, in Basel, the National Museum of Qatar, in Doha, the MUCEM, in Marseille, the Marriott Hotel in Berlin and the Casino of Düsseldorf are testimonies to the confidence placed in the expertise of a Dream Team that sets the tone of an artistic trade finally recognized.

Neue Direktion Building in cologne Facing the Cathedral of Cologne, the Neue Direktion Building plays on the transparency of its volumes. © DR

Lighting at the service of innovative design

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