On the hillside of Passy, in Paris, the house of Honoré de Balzac opens its doors
After a major renovation, the Parisian homestead of writer Honoré de Balzac has reopened its doors, on the hillside of Passy, with a new programme of visits.

A versatile genius, journalist, art critic, novelist then printer, Honoré de Balzac left to posterity a considerable literary opus. Member of the Société des Gens de Lettres and author of Lost Illusions, Père Goriot, Peau de chagrin (The Skin of Sorrow) and the Human Comedy, the writer often changed his Parisian residences in order to escape from his creditors.
In Passy, at Honoré de Balzac
His only still existing former home is the one where he wrote some of his main books and it is once again unveiled to the public. Facing the Eiffel Tower and after major roadworks to make access easier, it features a garden where one would like to sit down for a leisurely lunch in the sun, and enjoy a permanent museography—it welcomes tourists, curious visitors and fans of the prolific writer.

Historical caricatures
Modernized, the eponymous museum presents a large selection of paintings, sculptures and art objects. But the major event, this new season, is the exhibition presenting sketches by one of his intimate friends, the artist Grandville. Drawings, engravings and posters by this caricaturist, occasionally satyrical, sometimes poetic or fanciful, will make your visit all the more exceptional…

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