Vladimir Cosma, the living memory of music scores for famous French films

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After having rocked several generations of cinemaphiles with his film music scores, Vladimir Cosma will be playing them all during 3 Parisian concerts.

Vladimir Cosma, la mémoire vivante des musiques de films
The musical genius of Vladimir Cosman propelled him in the closing credits of leading French films. © DR

Everyone has hummed, at least once, the film scores of this music maestro. Rabbi Jacob, La Boum, L’As des As, Diva, Le Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire, Destinée, Le Dîner de cons, L’Amour en héritage, La Chèvre— Vladimir Cosma is one of the leading composers, who created more than 500 melodies of cinematographical hits.

The film scores of Vladimir Cosma

For this French violonist and conductor, originally from Romania, good film music is just simply good music. Sollicited by the best film directors since the 1970s, he conceives it more popular and versatile in order to please right from the outset to the most people. A challenge that makes him dive into the scenario and be as close as possible to the film director.

Vladimir Cosma posters The talented composer contributed to the success of an impressive list of blockbusters. © DR
Vladimir Cosma choirs In a concert version, the choirs offer a powerful bakcup for the film credits created by the musician. © DR

Symphonic music in concert

To highlight his 80th anniversary, the artist, known for his famous music scores, is making a comeback, with surprising nouvelties. 180 artists, a philharmonic orchestra, large choirs, solists and surprise guests will perfom under his direction for 3 exceptional concerts taking place on 24, 25, 26 April 2020, at the Grand Rex, in Paris. A programmation that is sure to be a full house…

Vladimir Cosma orchestra All his musicians consider it an honor and a pleasure to be directed by this outstanding conductor. © DR

With Vladimir Cosma at the Grand Rex

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